Thursday, November 29, 2007
to jam or not to jam the mobile? This is the question.
2 February 2007
Book: Mobile Communication in Everyday Life
Comment Trackback
The mobile phone has become an integral part of our everyday life communication. A lot of people use mobile phones and let them ring when they’re surrounded by many people, such as in restaurants, theatres, concerts or in buses / metro and trains. To my mind this is very unpleasant, because the last thing you want to hear in such a situation is to be disturbed by a - often ridiculous ! - ring. So that’s why new devices have been set up to jam mobile phones around them. But I think they should not be legal : what about the freedom of expression ?! Why preventing people from calling somebody or being called ? Let’s take this example : a person is having an heart attack in a theatre. How to save this person if one cannot call the emergency ? It would be very unfair. I think there should rather be “calling areas” in trains for example, not to disturb the other passengers with the ring and the conversation. And people should better use buzzer instead of ring with their mobile phones.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
violence on the internet
As it is done for TV, a control of what is broadcast on the internet is necessary. There too much scenes of violence, too much pornographic sites to let the web be completely free, without any cyber police on the top. And there are no reasons to control program on TV if we don’t act the same towards the internet.
The question isn’t really if a police is needed or not in the web-world. The most important is how powerful this police has to be, and how far can we let an institution decide for us of what is morally bearable on the web and what is not! In France, there are “La CNIL”, « La Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés ». This Institution created in 1978 has three different missions :
The first one is to inform the web users of their rights. A web user has many rights, and they’re too often unknown. The second mission is to control what is going on in the web. CNIL is very vigilant on the content of all kind of websites and keeps a tight watch on many data in order to be sure that nothing subversive, that illegal pictures or information aren’t available on the web. The last mission is to punish people guilty of spreading illegal contents on the web.
Obviously, CNIL isn’t a mere institution of police or control. It aims at preventing from infractions giving a lot of information on what its mission is and on what kind of rights a web user can have. The balance between information and repression seems equilibrated in a quite fair way.
In France, the web control is done in a democratic way, observing the French laws in legality. But it’s not the same in all countries, let’s explain in a few words what’s happening in a authoritarian country like the Republic of China:
In China, government has censured the Chinese internet since the beginning and the introduction of the web in the territory. The authorities signed many big contracts with web firms like Microsoft, Google or Yahoo to establish a perfect cyber police. What is very ironic is that freedom of speech is a right recognized in the Chinese Constitution. In reality, Many cyber dissidents are sent in jail just because they use words like “democraty” or “Tian Anmen” in their blogs etc…
For example, let’s compare what we can find looking for pictures of Tian Anmem in the English version of Google and then in the Chinese version:

But if you search pictures in, here is what you will get:

Tian Anmen appears like a heavenly place, very bright and colourful!
As a conclusion, it’s hard to imagine how the internet could manage to work without some institutions of supervision. But in order to avoid extreme control and censure like in China, we have to find a good balance between a half-informative and a half-repressive organisation.
The question isn’t really if a police is needed or not in the web-world. The most important is how powerful this police has to be, and how far can we let an institution decide for us of what is morally bearable on the web and what is not! In France, there are “La CNIL”, « La Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés ». This Institution created in 1978 has three different missions :
The first one is to inform the web users of their rights. A web user has many rights, and they’re too often unknown. The second mission is to control what is going on in the web. CNIL is very vigilant on the content of all kind of websites and keeps a tight watch on many data in order to be sure that nothing subversive, that illegal pictures or information aren’t available on the web. The last mission is to punish people guilty of spreading illegal contents on the web.
Obviously, CNIL isn’t a mere institution of police or control. It aims at preventing from infractions giving a lot of information on what its mission is and on what kind of rights a web user can have. The balance between information and repression seems equilibrated in a quite fair way.
In France, the web control is done in a democratic way, observing the French laws in legality. But it’s not the same in all countries, let’s explain in a few words what’s happening in a authoritarian country like the Republic of China:
In China, government has censured the Chinese internet since the beginning and the introduction of the web in the territory. The authorities signed many big contracts with web firms like Microsoft, Google or Yahoo to establish a perfect cyber police. What is very ironic is that freedom of speech is a right recognized in the Chinese Constitution. In reality, Many cyber dissidents are sent in jail just because they use words like “democraty” or “Tian Anmen” in their blogs etc…
For example, let’s compare what we can find looking for pictures of Tian Anmem in the English version of Google and then in the Chinese version:
But if you search pictures in, here is what you will get:
Tian Anmen appears like a heavenly place, very bright and colourful!
As a conclusion, it’s hard to imagine how the internet could manage to work without some institutions of supervision. But in order to avoid extreme control and censure like in China, we have to find a good balance between a half-informative and a half-repressive organisation.
Emerging talent shaped by the internet
More and more music bands or singers are becoming aware of all the possibilities that the internet can give them. Those last years, free download of mp3 or promotion video on the internet has mostly all of the time been pointed out as a burden for the industry of music.
The firms from the music business were afraid that as many people can now download all kinds of music for free, their sells would decrease at a breathtaking rate.
That’s not completely wrong! But we the fact is that many people who download music aren’t enough interested by what they download to think of buying the CD. And when they’re real fans, they keep on buying their idol’s music. So we must be careful not to panic for unconfirmed reasons or exaggerate on false ideas And. recently, music firms but also the artists themselves realised that the web wasn’t only an enemy and that they could manage to turn it into an ally!
First of all, with the new tool of the internet, the artists can promote better their products than before. Internet is a wonderful place, a paradise for advertisement and promotion! We shouldn’t forget that. Internet is an unlimited ad space, and with new technologies, music sometimes starts playing automatically once visiting a website, even on a website that has nothing to do with music!
Artists and firms find in “blogs” a new opportunity to sell their music. We can notice that blogs users aren’t just ordinary people aiming at meeting new friends or having talks on many topics. “My Space” is a good example to illustrate than blogs are more and more used to make money and broadcast ads of various bands and singers. The fact that Microsoft has decided to enter “facebook” capital can be considered as a new chance to develop ads on this site. The blog-site “facebook” is the No. 2 social-networking site after “My Space”. On this site, most users write what kind of music they like etc… It will be easy for the music business to adapt their ads to the users profile and reach a great efficiency.
To finish, we can add that the internet isn’t just an economical tool but it can just be a very useful way for music to get known by a new public, and many bands became famous, or made their debuts thanks to the net and free download. With its international characteristic, the web offers us the possibility to listen to unknown foreign music and if this music starts being popular, it can create a new fashion and many benefits for music firms.
Who said that the internet was the enemy of music?
The firms from the music business were afraid that as many people can now download all kinds of music for free, their sells would decrease at a breathtaking rate.
That’s not completely wrong! But we the fact is that many people who download music aren’t enough interested by what they download to think of buying the CD. And when they’re real fans, they keep on buying their idol’s music. So we must be careful not to panic for unconfirmed reasons or exaggerate on false ideas And. recently, music firms but also the artists themselves realised that the web wasn’t only an enemy and that they could manage to turn it into an ally!
First of all, with the new tool of the internet, the artists can promote better their products than before. Internet is a wonderful place, a paradise for advertisement and promotion! We shouldn’t forget that. Internet is an unlimited ad space, and with new technologies, music sometimes starts playing automatically once visiting a website, even on a website that has nothing to do with music!
Artists and firms find in “blogs” a new opportunity to sell their music. We can notice that blogs users aren’t just ordinary people aiming at meeting new friends or having talks on many topics. “My Space” is a good example to illustrate than blogs are more and more used to make money and broadcast ads of various bands and singers. The fact that Microsoft has decided to enter “facebook” capital can be considered as a new chance to develop ads on this site. The blog-site “facebook” is the No. 2 social-networking site after “My Space”. On this site, most users write what kind of music they like etc… It will be easy for the music business to adapt their ads to the users profile and reach a great efficiency.
To finish, we can add that the internet isn’t just an economical tool but it can just be a very useful way for music to get known by a new public, and many bands became famous, or made their debuts thanks to the net and free download. With its international characteristic, the web offers us the possibility to listen to unknown foreign music and if this music starts being popular, it can create a new fashion and many benefits for music firms.
Who said that the internet was the enemy of music?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
- Internet was created in the Cold War, when the US realized, after USSR’s launch of Sputnik in 1958, how their enemy was technologically advanced. If it was first aimed at military field, some saw universal networking as a potential unifying human revolution. But the network gained a public face in the 1990s and a global one in the late 1990s – early 2000s.
- E-mail was a crucial tool in creating the internet and would have first been demonstrated in the US in 1961. But as the term of internet, e-mail was known worldwide through the 1990s.
- I-Pod is a portable media player designed and marketed by Apple and launched in 2001.
- The original Walkman was launched by Sony in Japan in 1979. A portable (and/or video player) introduced a radical change in music listening habits, allowing people to carry their own choice of music with them. Sony continues to use the "Walkman" brand name for most of their portable audio devices, after the "Discman" name for CD players was dropped in the late 1990s.
- YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. YouTube was created in mid February 2005.
- E-mail was a crucial tool in creating the internet and would have first been demonstrated in the US in 1961. But as the term of internet, e-mail was known worldwide through the 1990s.
- I-Pod is a portable media player designed and marketed by Apple and launched in 2001.
- The original Walkman was launched by Sony in Japan in 1979. A portable (and/or video player) introduced a radical change in music listening habits, allowing people to carry their own choice of music with them. Sony continues to use the "Walkman" brand name for most of their portable audio devices, after the "Discman" name for CD players was dropped in the late 1990s.
- YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. YouTube was created in mid February 2005.
The internet has been the scene of some spectacular success stories
- Dailymotion, a video hosting service website, was created in 2005 by two young Frenchmen, Benjamin Bejbaum and Olivier Poitrey. Current value : 7 million euros.
- YouTube, a video sharing website, was created in 2005 by three Americans (Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, who were about 27 yo when they founded the company). In 2006 the website was acquired by Google for US$1.65 billion...
- Yahoo is a global internet services company and was created in 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo, who were about 26-28 when they launched Yahoo. Yang’s net worth is is estimated to be US$2.2 billion and is ranked 432nd among the world's richest people according to Forbes. According to Forbes, in 2006, Filo is worth an estimated $2.9 billion, ranking him the 240th richest person in the world.
- Google was created in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page while they were students at Stanford University. Brin has a net worth estimated at $18.5 billion, making him the 26th richest person in the world and the 5th richest person in the United States, together with Larry Page. He is also the fourth-youngest billionaire in the world. According to the 2006 edition of Forbes, Page had an estimated net worth of $18.5 Billion, making him the 26th richest person in the world, one place behind Brin...
- YouTube, a video sharing website, was created in 2005 by three Americans (Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, who were about 27 yo when they founded the company). In 2006 the website was acquired by Google for US$1.65 billion...
- Yahoo is a global internet services company and was created in 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo, who were about 26-28 when they launched Yahoo. Yang’s net worth is is estimated to be US$2.2 billion and is ranked 432nd among the world's richest people according to Forbes. According to Forbes, in 2006, Filo is worth an estimated $2.9 billion, ranking him the 240th richest person in the world.
- Google was created in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page while they were students at Stanford University. Brin has a net worth estimated at $18.5 billion, making him the 26th richest person in the world and the 5th richest person in the United States, together with Larry Page. He is also the fourth-youngest billionaire in the world. According to the 2006 edition of Forbes, Page had an estimated net worth of $18.5 Billion, making him the 26th richest person in the world, one place behind Brin...
“We are Smarter than Me”
We Are Smarter Than Me is a collaborative-writing project using wiki software, whose initial goal is producing a document about decision making processes that use large numbers of people, to be published as a printed book, late in 2007, by the publishing conglomerate Pearson Education. Along with Pearson, the project's four core sponsors include research institutes of MIT and the Wharton School.
Google forever
Google is an American public corporation , specializing in Internet search and online advertising. The company is based in Mountain View, California, and has 15,916 full-time employees (as of September 30, 2007). Google's mission statement is, "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." It is the largest American company (by market capitalization) that is not part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Google's corporate philosophy includes statements such as "Don't be evil" and "Work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun", illustrating a somewhat relaxed corporate culture.
Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 7, 1998. Google's initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising $1.67 billion, making it worth $23 billion. Through a series of new product developments, acquisitions and partnerships, the company has expanded its initial search and advertising business into other areas, including web-based email, online mapping, office productivity, and video sharing, among others.
The company slogan is “don’t be evil”... I think Google revolutionized the search engine industry, because it offers faster, most useful searches (for free) than competitors on a user-friendly website. For these reasons I am pro-Google, even if I’ve heard of some controversies, in particular one related to Google’s decision to adhere to the Internet censorship policy in China à search results are filtered so as not to bring up any results concerning the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, sites supporting the independence movements of Tibet and Taiwan or the Falun Gong movement, and other information perceived to be harmful to China.
Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 7, 1998. Google's initial public offering took place on August 19, 2004, raising $1.67 billion, making it worth $23 billion. Through a series of new product developments, acquisitions and partnerships, the company has expanded its initial search and advertising business into other areas, including web-based email, online mapping, office productivity, and video sharing, among others.
The company slogan is “don’t be evil”... I think Google revolutionized the search engine industry, because it offers faster, most useful searches (for free) than competitors on a user-friendly website. For these reasons I am pro-Google, even if I’ve heard of some controversies, in particular one related to Google’s decision to adhere to the Internet censorship policy in China à search results are filtered so as not to bring up any results concerning the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, sites supporting the independence movements of Tibet and Taiwan or the Falun Gong movement, and other information perceived to be harmful to China.
e-mail is a king of communication
Now days people stopped to meet each others, because it is more easy to send e-mail. I can said then in Russia in this moment it is not so developed then in Europe and US. Sometimes the people don’t answerer in your message not because they don’t want but they think it’s not serious and sometimes that it miss the respect. But it is true than it’s so comfortable to use email. But the problem is that for some people – even at work -, e-mails tend to become the core of their communication “activity”. People do not meet and talk “for real” but find it easier to send each other e-mails.
Microsoft and Facebook
Facebook today has about 50 million members... It is the world second largest social network on the internet (behind MySpace). Members give a lot of information about their age, the city they live in, their studies, hobbies... It is therefore a great opportunity for big companies to put adverts on the website and to send them to users according to their profiles and actions. I think this is the main reason why a firm like Microsft bought such an amount of money. is it a good idea?
I find it incredible that people lend money to strangers ! I really do not know how such a “business” can happen and cannot understand how the idea to create a website like this could have come to the head of the funder ! I would personally feel very uncomfortable with lending money to people I’ve never heard of before and, on the other side, could never accept to borrow money from strangers. This may be a question of culture and I’m not sure it could happen outside the US.
I’ve not heard of sites like this, but I know some websites where people can just give things (books, furniture...) and take things in return, for free. This is also based on trust... but on another level.
I’ve not heard of sites like this, but I know some websites where people can just give things (books, furniture...) and take things in return, for free. This is also based on trust... but on another level.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
e-learning english
English is the international language. If you don't know english it is very difficult to use internet. Now days the have a oppotunity to study english online. There are lot of sites where we can do it. Complete and flexible, the e-Learning solutions are designed to be accessible and easy to use. We can see some kind of these sites where you can find a lot of information about the English language. You can learn English words, practise grammar, look at some basic rules, prepare for exams, do tests or just have fun playing games.
-, it is the international standard for language learning: online addresses all the skills critical to learning English online: reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and culture. "Tell me more" allows users to work on different language programs related to their individual needs, their professional lives and careers. And the immersion method of "Tell me more" is grounded in years of academix research, teaching learners to communicate in an authentic cultural context.
- As a leading online supplier of professional development courses, provides busy teachers with the tools to pursue their lifelong learning objectives. They combine technological innovation with quality content and exceptional customer service to give teachers the learning experience online.
And many many others......
It doesen't metter who you are a teacher of English or a learner of English in these sites you can find what you are looking for!
-, it is the international standard for language learning: online addresses all the skills critical to learning English online: reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and culture. "Tell me more" allows users to work on different language programs related to their individual needs, their professional lives and careers. And the immersion method of "Tell me more" is grounded in years of academix research, teaching learners to communicate in an authentic cultural context.
- As a leading online supplier of professional development courses, provides busy teachers with the tools to pursue their lifelong learning objectives. They combine technological innovation with quality content and exceptional customer service to give teachers the learning experience online.
And many many others......
It doesen't metter who you are a teacher of English or a learner of English in these sites you can find what you are looking for!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Social network
A social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, idea , financial exchange, friends, kinship, dislike, conflict, trade, web links, sexual relations, disease transmission, or airline routes.
Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes. Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals.
In its simplest form, a social network is a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes being studied. The network can also be used to determine the social capital of individual actors. These concepts are often displayed in a social network diagram, where nodes are the points and ties are the lines.
Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes. Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals.
In its simplest form, a social network is a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes being studied. The network can also be used to determine the social capital of individual actors. These concepts are often displayed in a social network diagram, where nodes are the points and ties are the lines.
It is a kind of social networking site, and is generating huge amounts of buzz among the web's early adopters thanks to a simple conceit. All does is ask: "What are you doing?"
The idea is that it offers a way for individuals to provide more detailed status updates to their friends, family and contacts. And, crucially, it delivers those updates across a variety of different media - either through its website, over instant messaging or by SMS to your mobile phone.
Since launching a year ago as a side project by the people behind the podcasting and audio site Odeo, Twitter has gained traction with a large number of Silicon Valley cognoscenti and some of the web's most high-profile names. Critics say it is another pointless distraction in a world already suffering information overload, and wonder how users manage to keep tabs on what they're really up to.
True, on first glance it is a baffling and seemingly pointless service - but underneath it proves intriguing, useful and addictive for those who live on the move. One observer called it "the Seinfeld of the internet ... a website about nothing". Twitter's backers have form in this area. One, Nebraskan Ev Williams, was a founder of, the site that kickstarted the huge growth of blogging in the late 1990s. Another, Biz Stone, was involved in the early days of - a MySpace-style affair that is now one of the top 50 sites in the world.
It is no surprise, then, that some believe Twitter's service is the logical evolution of blogging. The two platforms have much in common; and while blogging is still much derided, it has been adopted by millions of people.
Twitter has been growing fast too, and in recent times it has been doubling subscriber numbers every month. Its makers said that the past weekend saw the number of messages sent triple, thanks to the conglomeration of users at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. Some adopters have taken this growth as the reason to use it as a sort of "internet firehose", corralling quickfire opinions from around the globe.
The site isn't just populated by technoheads, however. It's also used by politicians (US presidential candidate John Edwards, for example), fictional characters (including Chewbacca and R2D2) and even the odd journalist or two (I have been using it for the past few months:
The rapid-fire model may be superseded when internet access become ubiquitous, but right now Twitterers have found that a quick text message does the trick for them. It's even been the medium of choice for some breaking news announcements.
So will it be a useful addition to the web, or simply another MySpace-like black hole that sucks away at our free time? Nobody knows, but when the big decision does arrive, it's likely to be Twittered before it hits the rest of us.
The idea is that it offers a way for individuals to provide more detailed status updates to their friends, family and contacts. And, crucially, it delivers those updates across a variety of different media - either through its website, over instant messaging or by SMS to your mobile phone.
Since launching a year ago as a side project by the people behind the podcasting and audio site Odeo, Twitter has gained traction with a large number of Silicon Valley cognoscenti and some of the web's most high-profile names. Critics say it is another pointless distraction in a world already suffering information overload, and wonder how users manage to keep tabs on what they're really up to.
True, on first glance it is a baffling and seemingly pointless service - but underneath it proves intriguing, useful and addictive for those who live on the move. One observer called it "the Seinfeld of the internet ... a website about nothing". Twitter's backers have form in this area. One, Nebraskan Ev Williams, was a founder of, the site that kickstarted the huge growth of blogging in the late 1990s. Another, Biz Stone, was involved in the early days of - a MySpace-style affair that is now one of the top 50 sites in the world.
It is no surprise, then, that some believe Twitter's service is the logical evolution of blogging. The two platforms have much in common; and while blogging is still much derided, it has been adopted by millions of people.
Twitter has been growing fast too, and in recent times it has been doubling subscriber numbers every month. Its makers said that the past weekend saw the number of messages sent triple, thanks to the conglomeration of users at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. Some adopters have taken this growth as the reason to use it as a sort of "internet firehose", corralling quickfire opinions from around the globe.
The site isn't just populated by technoheads, however. It's also used by politicians (US presidential candidate John Edwards, for example), fictional characters (including Chewbacca and R2D2) and even the odd journalist or two (I have been using it for the past few months:
The rapid-fire model may be superseded when internet access become ubiquitous, but right now Twitterers have found that a quick text message does the trick for them. It's even been the medium of choice for some breaking news announcements.
So will it be a useful addition to the web, or simply another MySpace-like black hole that sucks away at our free time? Nobody knows, but when the big decision does arrive, it's likely to be Twittered before it hits the rest of us.
Wiki Vive Wiki
Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly.
Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.
Like many simple concepts, "open editing" has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.
Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.
Like many simple concepts, "open editing" has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.
Historical Note. The first ever wiki site was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995. That site now hosts tens of thousands of pages.
Good blog
The Internet contains nearly 3 million active blogs, according to one recent count, with topics ranging from politics to movies, to food, to the emotional ramblings of high-school teens.
With so many blogs, how does one become popular? What qualities will distinguish a blog from the massive congestion in the blogosphere?
Blogs become successful because of specificity and passion, according to Kevin Donahue, co-creator of Fanblogs, a college football blog described by as the best blog dedicated to a single sport. Have a single focus about a topic you really enjoy, and put a little of yourself into it,” he says. Fanblogs prospers because college football already has a loyal fan base. “And that passion translates into a loyal readership.”
Reader comments are a significant factor in blog popularity, according to several bloggers. Hart Brachen, creator of the snarky, ironic blog The Soxaholix says, “People who leave comments build the community aspect that really helps a site become more than just one blogger writing into space. Comments let you know what’s working and what’s not, and inspire you to keep at it.”
Daniel Kasman, a writer for the popular film discussion blog MilkPlus, agrees. Posted comments will keep a blog “fresh and full of discourse,” he says.
Lockhart Steele, the managing editor of blog publisher Gawker Media, says that after a blog develops an audience, readers will submit tips and fact-check stories. They basically “do all of the work for you.”
Dedicated readers also keep a blog’s integrity in check. “Repeat visitors feel an ownership and loyalty to the blog,” observes Fanblogs’ Donahue. “They will police comments, pointing out when someone is out of line.”
But before a blog is able to rely on its readers to help it succeed, a blogger must sometimes wait months, or even years, before a regular following develops. While some bloggers believe that they’re going to attract regular commenters within days of launching their blogs, Holiday of Fanblogs says, “it doesn’t happen like that.”
Modifying a quote from the movie “Field of Dreams,” he says: “If you build it, they will come … slowly.”
With so many blogs, how does one become popular? What qualities will distinguish a blog from the massive congestion in the blogosphere?
Blogs become successful because of specificity and passion, according to Kevin Donahue, co-creator of Fanblogs, a college football blog described by as the best blog dedicated to a single sport. Have a single focus about a topic you really enjoy, and put a little of yourself into it,” he says. Fanblogs prospers because college football already has a loyal fan base. “And that passion translates into a loyal readership.”
Reader comments are a significant factor in blog popularity, according to several bloggers. Hart Brachen, creator of the snarky, ironic blog The Soxaholix says, “People who leave comments build the community aspect that really helps a site become more than just one blogger writing into space. Comments let you know what’s working and what’s not, and inspire you to keep at it.”
Daniel Kasman, a writer for the popular film discussion blog MilkPlus, agrees. Posted comments will keep a blog “fresh and full of discourse,” he says.
Lockhart Steele, the managing editor of blog publisher Gawker Media, says that after a blog develops an audience, readers will submit tips and fact-check stories. They basically “do all of the work for you.”
Dedicated readers also keep a blog’s integrity in check. “Repeat visitors feel an ownership and loyalty to the blog,” observes Fanblogs’ Donahue. “They will police comments, pointing out when someone is out of line.”
But before a blog is able to rely on its readers to help it succeed, a blogger must sometimes wait months, or even years, before a regular following develops. While some bloggers believe that they’re going to attract regular commenters within days of launching their blogs, Holiday of Fanblogs says, “it doesn’t happen like that.”
Modifying a quote from the movie “Field of Dreams,” he says: “If you build it, they will come … slowly.”
Crowdsourcing is a neologism for the act of taking a job traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people, in the form of an open call. For example, the public may be invited to develop a new technology, carry out a design task, refine an algorithm or help analyze large amounts of data.
The word was first coined by Jeff Howe in a June, 2006 Wired Magazine. Though the term is new there are examples of significant crowdsourcing projects as early as the eighteenth century. In 1714, the British Government offered a public prize for a solution to the longitude problem. In the 1800s, the Oxford English Dictionary was written from volunteer contributions of millions of slips of paper. Recently, the Internet has been used to publicize and manage crowdsourcing projects.
The word was first coined by Jeff Howe in a June, 2006 Wired Magazine. Though the term is new there are examples of significant crowdsourcing projects as early as the eighteenth century. In 1714, the British Government offered a public prize for a solution to the longitude problem. In the 1800s, the Oxford English Dictionary was written from volunteer contributions of millions of slips of paper. Recently, the Internet has been used to publicize and manage crowdsourcing projects.
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